22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

To the guy in the white Lexus hybrid SUV

Scene: Today, Saturday, August 4, 2012, approx 11:15 am. WestsideFarmers Market (DOT parking lot).

I had parked next to the abovementioned white Lexus hybrid SUV. When I parked, I noticed that theengine was running, and a woman was sitting in the passenger seatlooking bored, maybe slightly irritated, and definitely not smiling.I sort of wondered why she had to run the engine, contributing to theair quality problems on a hot summer day. (Last night there was anair quality alert.)
But I didn't say anything and went offto to my shopping.
When I returned, I was just opening thedoor to get into the car when a man, apparently the driver of theSUV, called out, “Whoa! Careful there.” I looked down, and mydoor was nowhere near his car. I had opened the door slowly andcarefully. I nodded to him, indicating that I saw his car and was being careful.
SUV guy: “Well, it's a $63,000 car.Don't want it to get scratched.”
Me, silently, in my head: [Well, aren'tyou special. If you really wanted to be sure no one would get nearyour car, you could have parked it on the other side of the lot whereno one would park near you, but you couldn't be bothered to walk afew dozen extra feet.]
Me, out loud, but still calmly andpolitely: “Don't worry, I'm not going to ding your car. But sincewe are having a conversation, you should know that there is a 15minute idling ordinance in the City of Madison.”
SUV guy, sarcastically: "Oh, well,thanks for letting me know."
SUV guy, under his breath, as he getsinto the car: “Yeah, and you can stick that....”
Me, through the rolled up window: “Oh,thanks for that comment too.”
We both smile insincerely at each otherand give each other a thumbs up as he drives off, obviously both thinking we'd bothrather be using another finger.
[end scene]
Seriously, I didn't do anything excepttry to get in my car, and this self-important jerk starts blusteringabout his expensive car.
So if anyone knows someone that fitsthat description, tell him he's a real piece of work. And tell himhis behavior and concern for his status symbol car is indicative of someone trying to compensate for, umm,shall we say “shortcomings.”

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