14 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi

Appalachian Trail Journals 2012

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The northern migration of Homo Appalachianus has begun.

A few brave souls have already left Springer Mountain in northern Georgia. As more folks start their treks north, we'll review their TrailJournals and blogs and select the most interesting and well written to follow.

Here's our selection of the best of 2012 Appalachian Trail Journals:

Bluevist - This 69 year-old woman is celebrating the 10th anniversary of her 2002 thru-hike. Bluevist's TrailJournal also has a partial gear list. (Off-trail 4/11/12)

Miister & Porcupine - Mindy and Drew started on New Years Day 2012. Haven't updated recently.

Ranger - This is a 64 year-old male who sectioned hiked a lot of the AT in 2011.

UPDATE 4/11/12
  • Balls & Sunshine (NC)
  • Blisters (GSMNP)
  • DirtyGirl (NC)
  • Granbob (NC)
  • Gung-Ho & Tagalong (NC)
  • Hooch (NC)
  • Magpie (NC)
  • Mamaw B (NC)
  • Mouse (NC)
  • Peach (NC)
  • Ranger (NC)
  • Slayer (NC)
  • Team Irish Turtle (TN, ill)
  • Valerie (GSMNP)
  • Voltron (NC)

If you've found a really good TrailJournal that we should add, please send us a link using the comments below. We're looking for inspiring, well written journals with helpful details. A good gear list with photos, weights and prices are a definite plus.

Related posts:

Appalachian Trail Journals 2011

Appalachian Trail Journals 2010

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