14 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi

Appalachian Trail NJ: AMC Mohican Outdoor Center

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Our second night out on our 2011 section hike the Appalachian Trail in New Jersey found us at the Appalachian Mountain Club's (AMC) Mohican Outdoor Center about ten miles north of the Delaware Water Gap.

Our one night visit left us surprised in many ways, both good and bad.

Unlike our first long distance section hike of the Appalachian Trail in Maryland, our first day ended not in thirst and leg cramps, but tired yet with a reserve of energy. So we were ready when we descended downhill towards the sound of running water. After a brief episode of rock hopping and crossing a wooden bridge, we found ourselves at a gray gravel road with a large green sign marking the entrance gate of the AMC Mohican Outdoor Center. A turn to the west and a short walk brought us to the large lodge building pictured above. We noticed a water spigot next to the garage across the gravel road and helped ourselves to pure water while cooling off. We doffed our pack onto one of several large benches along the road and walked up to the lodge entrance. Lights were out and no one answered our call. A local chasing his dog mentioned the caretaker was at a cabin and would likely return shortly.

Our host returned and we asked "What were the options for spending the night?" We could pay $9 to camp or considerably more for a cabin. We opted to pay the $9 to camp, paid an extra $1 for a cold Mountain Dew soda, and wandered towards the tent camping area. (In hindsight, being freshly showered and shaved from the church hostel and asking that particular question may have been a poor decision as long distance AT hikers generally camp for free.)

The tent camping area is located just past and behind the main lodge. A narrow trail winds through thick underbrush and trees. From time to time a clearing appears on either side of the trail with old wooden picnic tables. As we hang in a hammock at night we opted for site #3 which had well spaced trees with a BearSaver bear box and the privy not too far away. As this was a weekday evening in the first week of May we had the entire tenting area to ourselves. Close to dark we spotted several small deer feasting on the underbrush along the trail.

The next morning we broke camp, dropped by the lodge to "check out" and sign the log book.

Getting there

North bound hikers (NOBOs) will be coming downhill through the Delaware Water Gap NRA. After crossing the wooden bridge, make a left turn west and head up the gravel road to the lodge.

South bound hikers (SOBOs) will have left Catfish fire tower and will be traversing a ridgeline with wonderful views of New Jersey to the east. Coming sharply downhill, the trail will angle west and you'll also pass by at least one stealth camp site until you hear running water and emerge onto the gravel road. Make a right turn west and head up the drive to the AMC lodge.


$9 - Tent camping or hammocking
$3 - Indoor toilet and shower
$1 - Canned soda (Coke, Mt Dew)


Resupplying at the Mohican Outdoor Center is only viable for SOBOs who have run out of food, as NOBOs should have picked up supplies in Delaware Water Gap or nearby East Stroudsburg in Pennsylvania one or two days before. The Mohican Outdoor Center can provide water, canned sodas, candy bars, and sandwiches. Between those, you should have sufficient calories to get another 10 miles south to Delaware Water Gap, the best resupply point for over 50 miles in either direction.

The lodge also sells t-shirts and several other visitor center styled items such as wildlife guides and maps.

Bear Container: BearSaver Bear Box

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One of the pleasant surprises hiking the Appalachian Trail through New jersey was the discovery that a bear container wasn't absolutely necessary. When we discovered that official backpacker site after backpacker site hosted a BearSaver bear box, we felt a bit foolish toting our expensive and somewhat bulky Ursack.

We saw our first BearSaver bear box at the backpacker camp just south of Sunfish Pond. That's the one in the photo. We took some time to examine it and become familiar with how it works. The right side door features a release mechanism that is cleverly hidden to foil both bears and clever raccoons. One inserts one's hand upside down in the bottom of the mechanism and squeezes a release lever.

The standard BearSaver bear box is quite large. We were able to stuff our entire large backpack inside with plenty of room to spare at both the AMC Mohican Outdoor Center and Pochuck shelter. The bear box at Mashipacong shelter held two large 5 gallon water containers and still had lots of room for food bags.

While the sign on the left panel instructs hikers that these are not trash cans, we often found trash inside. We suspect a contributing cause is that trash cans have mostly been removed from all parks in New Jersey. Pack it in, pack it out is the general rule. The most egregious mis-use of the bear box was at the Rutherford shlter in High Point State Park were we found not only large amounts of nasty, fetid garbage inside, but also a stack of oatmeal encrusted plates and metal silverware. Eww! We packed out much of the refuse since we knew we would be stopping by the park HQ shortly after departing, but we didn't take on the extra weight of the hard goods.

In addition to the water we found at Mashipacong shelter, we found other trail magic inside several bear boxes. At Pochuck shelter we found several packets of M & M chocolate candies. So, don't forget to stop by all the shelter and backpacking sites and open the BearSaver bear box doors. You may be pleasantly surprised. (This also works in reverse: you can be the one to leave trail magic inside a bear box for other hikers. Just saying.)

The longest distance between bear boxes in New Jersey was the 14 mile stretch between the AMC Mohican Center and the Brinks Road shelter. If you decide to stealth camp between those points, you will be in bear country and will need to bear bag your food. We recommend an UrSack or using the PCT bear bagging method.

Disclosure: We select and purchase the product(s) reviewed. We have no material connection to either the manufacturer nor the retailer(s).

Death on the Appalachian Trail

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While reviewing and updating our Section Hiking the Appalachian Trail Twitter account, we discovered there has been a second death on the Appalachian Trail this year. This time its seems a hiker slipped and fell between Rangeley and Caratunk, Maine. Details are forthcoming.

While deaths on the Appalachian Trail are rare, death does come to hikers from time to time. Often while pre-planning a hike, friends and relatives become alarmed and imagine all sorts of danger that will befall their loved one. (We've been offered guns.) With today's death, this seems an opportune moment in time to start a list of deaths on the Appalachian Trail to provide a balanced perspective on how life threatening the Appalachian Trail is and is not.

  • February 2012 - Body of missing CT woman found near Appalachian Trail

  • September 2011 - 'Buffalo Bobby' dies just short of end of Appalachian Trail 
  •  August 2011 - FBI investigates death of Indiana hiker of Appalachian Trail
  • August 2011 - Hiker dies after falling and hitting his head in Maine
  • April 2011 - Hiker passes away while asleep in tent at Davenport Gap 

  • May 2010 - Hiker from Michigan was found dead at the Icewater Spring shelter
  • June 2010  - Hiker found dead on the Appalachian Trail in Botetourt County
  • May 2008 - Two fishermen shot
  • November 2001 -  Canadian woman murdered in the White Mountains

  • June 1996 -  Tragedy in Shenandoah National Park (VA) in the A.T. Vicinity

  • September 1990 - Thru-hikers killed at shelter near Duncannon, PA

  • May 1988 - Man frightens two women off the trail and shoots them, killing one, in Michaux State Forest in PA
  • May 1981 - Two social workers hiking Appalachian Trail found murdered
  • April 1975 - Wisconsin woman hacked to death by a hiker with a hatchet in Tennessee
  • May 1974 - 26-year-old man was killed at a shelter in Georgia
We will continue to update this post as we discover past deaths on the Appalachian Trail.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. 

Hiking Food For Long Distance Backpacking - 5,000 Calories Per Day

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We discovered this good overview video on hiking food on YouTube. Most of what the narrator describes is what we also take on our section hikes along the Appalachian Trail. We differ in packaging. We like to pack complete breakfast and dinners along with snacks into distinct ziplock bags for five days of hiking. ( we mark our bags "Day 1", "Day 2", etc. We also toss in hand wipes and quarter sections of paper towels along with condiments.



Feel free to add your hiking food tips and recommendations in the comments.

Backpacking Food Reviews: Yelp List of Appalachian Trail Businesses

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We started a new resource for sections hikers: an Appalachian Trail list of Yelp reviews for delis, grocers, and other similar attractions along the AT. We've added a resource or two for WV, PA, NJ and NY so far. We have a couple more reviews to add and we'll be caught up with all of our past hikes. We'd like to encourage you, our fellow hikers, to add your reviews for these businesses and for any others you have used.

Appalachian TrailWhat's this?

Appalachian Trail Books: A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson

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Just finished 's well known Appalachian Trail book, A Walk in the Woods. Someone had placed a new paperback copy in my mail box at the office. Likely because they know I've been backpacking long sections of the Appalachian Trail for a few years now. Even though Google shows 5,176 reviews for Bryson's book, here's my take on A Walk in the Woods.

First, Bryson's style is most enjoyable and he cleverly weaves facts into his narrative of his year long series of hikes along the Appalachian Trail. We learned a few things, such as the history of the Delaware Water Gap, that we would have liked to have known before our hike of the same section. (Fortunately, we have not yet sectioned Mount Greymore in MA, so we'll have a better appreciation of the war memorial and buildings when we arrive some years hence.)

Second, Bryson was faithful in recreating just how difficult, tiring, and mentally tough any long hike of the Appalachian Trail really is. We too have stood at the abyss and had to weigh our desire to continue hiking or just pack it in and go home. Anyone planning a through hike or even an extended hike of a section of the Appalachian Trail is well served by reading Bryson's book and taking seriously his recollection of just how tough the Appalachian Trail really is. There's a reason why so many hikers abandon their hike of the trail year after year. Bryson should be commended on his honest descriptions and having the integrity to reveal that he too found a through hike beyond what he wished to endure. While we have only hiked about 200 miles of the 2, 178 mile trail, like Katz and Bryson, we too have "hiked the Appalachian Trail" and will be forever changed by it.

Its an inexpensive paperback book and its found in most libraries. If you've got some time for reading, its worth it. If you want to save some cash, you can read a large excerpt of A Walk in the Woods on Google Books.

Disclosure: We select and purchase the product(s) reviewed. We have no material connection to either the manufacturer nor the retailer(s).

Gear: Esbit Spirit Stove & Cook Set

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We've noted quite a bit of interest in Esbit's new Spirit alcohol stove and cook set in our blog analytics. While we don't own one and no one we know has one, we did some online investigating and offer the following review for folks considering buying an Esbit Spirit stove cook set for use on their section hike of the Appalachian Trail.

The first thing we noted is there's a lot of metal, which equals weight. The Esbit Spirit cook set has a larger 985 ml cup than the 585 ml Esbit cup we use. Instead of the thin, light flat lid that comes with the 585 ml cup, the Esbit Spirit cook set comes with a second 470 ml pot, again more weight.

Directing our attention to the base beneath the 985 ml cup, we find the same heavy Esbit base, a brass Spirit alcohol stove, and an insert-able aluminum Esbit solid fuel burner - more weight. Yes, the entire cook set is made of hard anodized aluminum which is lighter than the steel cook sets offered in many outdoor shops, but there's still considerable excess weight.

The second thing we examined is the Spirit alcohol stove itself. It looks like the Spirit stove has small jets drilled into the top of the stove. If one can set the pot/cup directly atop the Spirit stove and still have a flame then Esbit's Spirit cook set is modifiable for use along the Appalachian Trail.

If you absolutely insist on paying the greater cost for Esbit's Spirit cook set, then consider:

1) Keep the 985 ml cup/pot.

2) Try and buy a replacement flat lid from Esbit for their 585 ml cup and ditch the 470 ml pot/lid.

3) Ditch the base.

4) Keep the Spirit alcohol stove, but ditch the screw on lid and the other lid-like thing (flame snuffer?). Alcohol stoves have no moving parts to be protected and you don't (shouldn't) pack alcohol stoves with alcohol still in them.

5) Ditch the second aluminum Esbit solid fuel burner.

Personally, we wouldn't buy either the cook set nor the stove. Why would you want a 92 gram brass stove, when a Supercat alcohol stove is just 6 grams? Our Esbit 585 ml cup weighs just 113 grams compared to the Spirit cook set's 417 grams. Nothing against Esbit nor the brawny, he-man-y fellows who like to tote cool metallic toys over hill and dale, but a lighter pack makes for a more enjoyable hike


Disclosure: We select and purchase the product(s) reviewed. We have no material connection to either the manufacturer nor the retailer(s).

Appalachian Trail Journals 2012

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The northern migration of Homo Appalachianus has begun.

A few brave souls have already left Springer Mountain in northern Georgia. As more folks start their treks north, we'll review their TrailJournals and blogs and select the most interesting and well written to follow.

Here's our selection of the best of 2012 Appalachian Trail Journals:

Bluevist - This 69 year-old woman is celebrating the 10th anniversary of her 2002 thru-hike. Bluevist's TrailJournal also has a partial gear list. (Off-trail 4/11/12)

Miister & Porcupine - Mindy and Drew started on New Years Day 2012. Haven't updated recently.

Ranger - This is a 64 year-old male who sectioned hiked a lot of the AT in 2011.

UPDATE 4/11/12
  • Balls & Sunshine (NC)
  • Blisters (GSMNP)
  • DirtyGirl (NC)
  • Granbob (NC)
  • Gung-Ho & Tagalong (NC)
  • Hooch (NC)
  • Magpie (NC)
  • Mamaw B (NC)
  • Mouse (NC)
  • Peach (NC)
  • Ranger (NC)
  • Slayer (NC)
  • Team Irish Turtle (TN, ill)
  • Valerie (GSMNP)
  • Voltron (NC)

If you've found a really good TrailJournal that we should add, please send us a link using the comments below. We're looking for inspiring, well written journals with helpful details. A good gear list with photos, weights and prices are a definite plus.

Related posts:

Appalachian Trail Journals 2011

Appalachian Trail Journals 2010

Hiking Food: Chocolate Chip Chewy Granola

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Laying on the desk atop a pile of used food wrappers is the blue and white plastic from a Sunbelt Fudge Dipped Chocolate Chip chewy granola bar. We've been meaning to post some reviews of hiking foods we've tested, so here's our review of what's become our favorite granola bar for hiking and at the office.

We really like these granola bars. They're preservative free and a 1.5 ounce bar provides 210 calories for 140 calories per ounce. Not as high a calories to weight ratio as Snickers or Butterfingers, but higher than many other popular hiking foods.

You'll want to keep these in the cool area of your pack until consumed as they are fudge dipped and the fudge gets quite messy with warming from a pocket or laying in a sunny spot on a table.

These granola bars aren't for everyone. The package warns for the following food allergies: soy, peanuts, almonds, eggs, milk and wheat. Also, other tree nuts may appear from time to time.

Give these a try. In this day and age when all the food makers are trying to see how low calorie they can go, its nice to discover someone making a good old fashioned high calorie food for hiking.

Disclosure: We select and purchase the product(s) reviewed. We have no material connection to either the manufacturer nor the retailer(s).

Bear-resistant Storage Containers Now Required in Blood Mountain (GA) Wilderness

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Beginning March 1, 2012, anyone camping overnight along the five miles of Appalachian Trail from Jarrard Gap to Neels Gap on the Chattahoochee National Forests must bring a bear-resistant container to contain personal garbage, toiletries and foods. The new regulation was issued by the USDA Forest Service in response to public safety concerns and repeated bear-human conflicts in the region.

Bear-resistant containers trap odors inside, eliminating the lure of food, and they are designed to be tamper-resistant against extreme force. These containers can be purchased at most retail stores and online sellers that stock camping gear.

“We’re taking this measure to protect campers and make our campsites less alluring to the bears that live here,” Blue Ridge District Ranger Andy Baker said.

The storage regulation is mandatory for all dispersed camping in Blood Mountain Wilderness Area within a quarter mile of the trail, as well as camping at Blood Mountain Shelter and Woods Hole Shelter. It is a seasonal requirement—only from March 1 through June 1. Forest officials said black bear encounters have increased significantly in recent years in the Blood Mountain Wilderness Area. Bears become more active as the seasons and weather change. They are particularly attracted to human food brought into wilderness in the early spring when natural food sources are not yet plentiful. This is also the peak season for northbound Appalachian Trail hikers to begin their journeys.

“Any bear that associates people with food is a dangerous bear because it’s going to be aggressive,” Baker said. “By removing the lure of foods and other odors, we stop giving bears a reason to approach a campsite.”

Traditional food storage methods in the wilderness, such as “bear-bagging,” or hanging food bags between trees, will not be allowed. These methods are not always effective at preventing bears from retrieving food.

This seasonal camping restriction was developed in consultation with the Georgia Appalachian Trail Club, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division.

Blood Mountain was designated as a Wilderness Area by Congress in 1991. Wilderness designation means the land has been set aside for permanent protection because of its intact natural ecosystems. The Forest Service manages it in a way that allows many recreational activities, but also provides some restrictions to protect the area in its natural state. Wilderness visitors are asked to practice the Leave No Trace ethic, a set of guidelines for minimizing their impacts including planning ahead, staying on durable surfaces, disposing of waste properly, leaving what they find and respecting wildlife and other visitors.

For more tips on how to protect yourself and also protect black bears when visiting the national forest, visit the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests website at www.fs.usda.gov/conf or contact the Blue Ridge Ranger District Office at (706) 745-6928. Maps are also available.

The mission of the USDA Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the nation's forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. Encompassing around 867,000 acres across 26 counties, the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests provide the finest outdoor recreation opportunities and natural resources in Georgia. Featuring nearly 118,000 acres of designated wilderness; approximately 850 miles of recreation trails; and dozens of campgrounds, picnic areas and other recreation activity opportunities; these lands are rich in natural scenery, history and culture. The forest supervisor’s office for the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests in Gainesville manages four district units—Blairsville (Blue Ridge District), Lakemont (Chattooga River District), Chatsworth (Conasauga District) and Eatonton (Oconee District).

USDA Forest Service
Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests
Release: Immediate
Contact: Judy Toppins, Public Affairs Officer
Phone: 770/297-3061
Forest Supervisor’s Office
1755 Cleveland Highway
Gainesville, GA 30501

Pinterest Appalachian Trail Board

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Have you been invited to join Pinterest?

If not, you may not know about this rapidly growing new social media site.

We received a Pinterest invitation and have added an Appalachian Trail board to our many Pinterests. Interestingly, even though Pinterest is populated largely with women users (83%), we found a number of people using Pinterest for their gear lists for a future hike. Pinterest allows for easy commenting, which we did to aid our fellow Pinterest users in making good buying decisions.

Video: Ultralight Hiking

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Rather unusual video by "lint" who has hiked the Appalachian Trail twice and is a triple crown (AT, CDT, PCT) hiker. Lint hikes a 8 pound pack plus food & water.We like his idea to use an umbrella with a bug net and his use of raw foods, such as carrots and brocolli. His "knife skills" while preparing food is extremely unusual (gross to some).

Want to read more about Lint’s adventures? He kept a trail journal of his Continental Divide Trail hike.Online: Trailjournals.com/Lint

Trail Food: Justin's Honey Peanut Butter

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While shopping at a local Target department store, we were browsed the food aisles looking for possible backpacking fare. While standing in front of a wall of peanut butter, we noticed some small boxes with individual packets of peanut butter. From the four boxes we selected a small packet of Justin's Honey Peanut Butter to sample at the office. Today was the day.

The packet of peanut butter stated to knead before opening. Being a military veteran, this brought back memories of little green packets of peanut butter in the ubiquitous Meals-Ready-to-Eat (MREs). We once failed to knead and were punished with oil and a thick peanut flavored nougat. We rolled the packet between our palms rapidly.

Finding a small nick along the side, we opened the packet slightly and squeezed a dollop onto a waiting cracker. We definitely tasted peanut butter, but not a heavy taste of peanut butter. On our second dollop we distinctly could identify the taste of honey. Finally, we tore open the pouch and dug in with a small plastic spoon. The peanut butter was tasty, but a bit mealy feeling in the mouth. Perhaps we had not spent enough tie kneading it before use.

The packet indicates Justin's Honey Peanut Butter is kosher and gluten-free. A 1.15 oz. (32 grams) packet provides 190 calories. The very high calories to weight ratio and the good taste makes packets of Justin's Honey Peanut Butter a new inclusion on our backpacking meal plan this year. Last year we flagged a bit after a few days out, so we'll toss in some peanut butter packets to see if that helps us maintain our appetite around day four.

Disclosure: We select and purchase the product(s) reviewed. We have no material connection to either the manufacturer nor the retailer(s).

Trail Food: Market Pantry Nutrition Bar

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Midway in our 2011 section hike of the Appalachian Trail, we lost our appetite and felt a bit lethargic. If you followed our adventure in our TrailJournal, you'll recall we were concerned about a lack of nutrition. We thought perhaps we were too low sugar and low salt and the wilderness EMT suggested low potassium.

We've long noted the nutrition bar aisle at our local Target department store. Looking through the racks of various nutrition bars we noted that calories and content varied. We long wanted to taste test some of these, but recall our first taste of Gatorade many decades ago. Foul! Salty! Since then we have shied away from anything related to sports nutrition and went with everyday nutrition as practiced by ordinary citizens.

So, it was with some trepidation that we selected and purchased a Market Pantry nutrition bar. Target provides individual nutrition bars for purchase, so we were relieved not to have to purchase an entire box, only to find us holding an expensive box of what we refer to as "wood chips". To improve the chances of our taste buds accepting the strange new food, we opted for a nutrition bar marked "chocolate peanut butter".

The wrapper on our bar stated it contained 210 calories, so we decided to eat half one day and half the next. Late in the day when we normally have a wee bit of carbs we tore open the wrapper and bit in.

Not bad. Not bad at all!

This was certainly not the nutrition food of our 1970's youth.

Our first taste was similar to a less sweet candy bar. After two or three bites, we definitely could taste the difference.

We do note the taste was not so inspiring that we weren't able to resist folding up the remaining half of the bar and leaving in front of us until the next afternoon.

Bottom line: Its a keeper. We plan to buy two boxes of the bars for our planned 2012 section hike in CT and NY. We'll update you on our field results after our trip.

Disclosure: We select and purchase the product(s) reviewed. We have no material connection to either the manufacturer nor the retailer(s).

Appalachian Trail Weather from Google

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Just discovered you can get Appalachian Trail weather via a cell phone by sending a SMS text message to Google. Google offers an SMS Search service. You can text various short texts to Google and receive detailed text search results on your mobile phone. One of the SMS text searches is for weather.

To get Appalachian Trail weather reports, just open a new outgoing SMS message and send "wx" and the nearby zipcode to 466453 (GOOGLE). You'll receive a weather forecast for the next 24-48 hours from Google.

I usually depart for the Appalachian Trail with a ten day forecast from the Weather channel. One of my peeves about the trail is the lack of current weather data along my hike. Often there's a bulletin board with warnings and admonitions, but no one seems to pin-up a 72 hour forecast for long distance hikers.

This year I plan to annotate the zipcodes of nearby towns on my hiking schedule so I can get updated weather from Google as I work south along the Applachian Trail. When I send an SMS text message to my safety person following my hike, I'll take a moment and get updated weather from Google!

In addition to adding the Shenandoah NPS 24-hour emergency center (800-732-0911) to your phone's contacts, give strong consideration to adding Google SMS search.

Rapid Blended eLearning Course: Hiking the Appalachian Trail

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We've been studying blended learning and rapid eLearning professionally for the office. As information doesn't become knowledge until acted upon, we have started an after-hours project. We are developing our first online blended learning course using rapid eLearning techniques. We decided to build a hiking course as "playing" is how programmers learn to use their tools of the trade.

For those unfamiliar with rapid eLearning, its a development process that uses subject matter experts to author learning materials using off-the-shelf technologies. As there is already a diverse supply of articles, blog posts, videos, lectures, and other materials for the Appalachian Trail and backpacking, we are actively building activities and links to quality resources. With luck, we shouldn't need to develop any new materials.

We'll update this post to keep you advised of our progress.

4/5/12 UPDATE: We're about halfway through our course development. Have had numerous "Ah-hah!" moments. We selected and organized a nice set of video, blog, and other resources to instruct you on hiking the Appalachian Trail. We've also thought up and added some practical hands-on exercises for you to do as well. We're still moving things around and hope to invite everyone to visit in about second weeks time. (We've also had the idea to use this course as the base for our first Pinterest hosted course.)

Results: Dogs to Watch for May 07

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MAGIC TEMPURA, Orange Park, 05/07/2012, Evening, race 2 post #7. Result: 5-2-7- .
WW'S GUCCI, Orange Park, 05/07/2012, Evening, race 14 post #8. Result: 1-3-6- .

JUST TERRIFIC, Palm Beach, 05/07/2012, Afternoon, race 12 post #3. Result: 5-8-7- .

AMF EX PRESIDENT, Southland, 05/07/2012, T, race 11 post #8.

JW TITLEIST, Derby Lane, 05/07/2012, Evening, race 10 post #8. Result: 5-3-2- .

UMR HYDRO, Tri-State, 05/07/2012, Evening, race 6 post #3. Result: 1-3-4- .

Visit trackinfo.com for complete entries and program pages.

Gulf's Kennel of the Week - K-Rod Kennel

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Make it two weeks in a row for K-Rod Kennel and trainer Cindy Unrein earning the Kennel of the Week honors. Gulf Greyhound Park’s top kennel in 2012 solidified their lead with a week comprised of 11 wins, 6 seconds, 6 thirds and 11 fourth place finishes out of their 60 starts earning $9,321.90 in purse money. Leading the way with two top grade victories was this week’s Greyhound of the Week, Spry Derosa.

Gulf's Greyhound of the Week - Spry Derosa

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Spry Derosa
Returning to the Greyhound of the Week spotlight after earning the honors just two months ago is Spry Derosa from K-Rod Kennel. The 59-pound red female bred from Dodgem by Design and Dancer Drive has shown historically throughout her impressive career of stringing multiple victories together. In December of 2011 and February of 2012, there were two separate three win a row streaks and another four race winning streak during the month of March. With her latest two front running efforts, Spry Derosa appears to be on another roll.

Let us look at the performance on the afternoon of Sunday April 29. Heading into the race, Spry Derosa was experiencing difficult times going winless in three consecutive starts including falling down in her previous outing. Despite all of this, the fans made Spry Derosa the 4/5 race favorite starting from the #7 post position. Here comes Marquey and out popped Spry Derosa with the candy-striped #7 blanket to seize the lead. As some would say, `the rest is history`, and it was with Spry Derosa running away from the grade AA competition to win by 10 lengths in the second fastest time of her career at 29.74 seconds.
How does a superstar respond after such a fantastic performance? In front of one of the largest crowds that Gulf Greyhound Park has seen in quite a while on Saturday afternoon May 5, Spry Derosa was ready to show her skills once again, this time starting from the #3 post position. The rail running speedster won the race to the first turn over the D.Q. Williams tag team duo of Mr. Eddie and another one of the hottest greyhounds on the Texas Gulf Coast, Golddust Hades. While on the lead, Spry Derosa felt the constant pressure from Golddust Hades throughout the contest but held stubbornly on to her 1-½ advantage winning her second race in a row as the slight 7/5 race favorite.

This latest two race winning streak increases Spry Derosa’s record to 23/10-5-1-4, landing her in a second place tie with Kells Wild Bill of Libby Racing Kennel on the 2012 wins list chasing Johnny Guitar of Big Water Kennel. Her career statistics totaling 64/23-10-9-9 makes Spry Derosa one of the best athletes to ever grace the racing surface of the La Marque, Texas oval. Congratulations to owner Charter Kennel, Inc., trainer Cindy Unrein and this week’s star of the show Spry Derosa for this week’s honors.

Results: Dogs to Watch for May 08

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LAVA MATSUI, Birmingham, 05/08/2012, Evening, race 8 post #3. Result: 3-1-4- .

UHAUL MUFFIN, Palm Beach, 05/08/2012, Afternoon, race 14 post #4. Result: 4-8-7- .
AMF SULTANA, Palm Beach, 05/08/2012, Afternoon, race 15 post #4. Result: 4-7-5- .

VENUS ESPINOSA, Derby Lane, 05/08/2012, Evening, race 3 post #6. Result: 6-4-2- .
GABLE EDDIE, Derby Lane, 05/08/2012, Evening, race 6 post #3. Result: 5-3-6- .

RAMS KIZZY KATE, Tucson, 05/08/2012, Evening, race 3 post #1. Result: 1-3-4- .
RED PERSISTENCE, Tucson, 05/08/2012, Evening, race 9 post #5. Result: 5-4-7- .

BELLA KAYAKER, Wheeling, 05/08/2012, Afternoon, race 5 post #3. Result: 3-8-1- .

Visit trackinfo.com for complete entries and program pages.

Dogs to Watch for May 09

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COACH PRINCESS, Birmingham, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 6, post #4.
CTW CHICK MAGNET, Birmingham, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 8, post #1.
FM SAPPHIRE, Birmingham, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 11, post #1.

SLATEX TOPAZ, Bluffs Run, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 6, post #4.
MC FULL MOON, Bluffs Run, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 10, post #1.

KIOWA VANESSA, Orange Park, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 9, post #8.

MONKEYS UNCLE, Palm Beach, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 12, post #4.
STARZ EQUALMIST, Palm Beach, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 15, post #8.

SAND CLOUD, Derby Lane, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 10, post #5.
BACKWOOD CODY, Derby Lane, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 9, post #6.

MANIC MAC ELROY, Tri-State, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 11, post #7.

GAME PLANE, Tucson, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 12, post #7.

WW'S RISKY RIDER, Wheeling, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 12, post #5.

Visit trackinfo.com for complete entries and program pages.

Results: Dogs to Watch for May 09

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COACH PRINCESS, Birmingham, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 6 post #4. Result: 2-3-5- .
CTW CHICK MAGNET, Birmingham, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 8 post #1. Result: 7-4-6- .
FM SAPPHIRE, Birmingham, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 11 post #1. Result: 7-2-6- .

SLATEX TOPAZ, Bluffs Run, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 6 post #4. Result: 5-4-7- .
MC FULL MOON, Bluffs Run, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 10 post #1. Result: 2-5-8- .

KIOWA VANESSA, Orange Park, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 9 post #8. Result: 3-1-8- .

MONKEYS UNCLE, Palm Beach, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 12 post #4. Result: 7-4-3- .
STARZ EQUALMIST, Palm Beach, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 15 post #8. Result: 3-1-8- .

SAND CLOUD, Derby Lane, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 10 post #5. Result: 1-7-4- .
BACKWOOD CODY, Derby Lane, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 9 post #6. Result: 8-6-4- .

MANIC MAC ELROY, Tri-State, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 11 post #7. Result: 3-1-8- .

GAME PLANE, Tucson, 05/09/2012, Evening, race 12 post #7. Result: 5-7-3- .

WW'S RISKY RIDER, Wheeling, 05/09/2012, Afternoon, race 12 post #5. Result: 1-3-4- .

Visit trackinfo.com for complete entries and program pages.

TIPS for May 10

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Bluffs Run Thu A, Race 03 #5: IWA GUS

Dubuque Thu E, Race 01 #7: Pat C J Wishaway
Dubuque Thu E, Race 03 #8: O Ya Cookieman
Dubuque Thu E, Race 06 #7: O Ya Purecountry

Palm Beach Thu A, Race 03 #1: Wwk Paylessshoes

Southland Thu E, Race 04 #2: Amf Okey Dokey
Southland Thu E, Race 15 #6: Mistie Bass
Southland Thu E, Race 16 #4: Kl's Suede

Derby Lane Thu E, Race 04 #5: Rc Johnny Lobo
Derby Lane Thu E, Race 11 #5: M's Glaze Drive

Tucson Thu E, Race 03 #1: Phoenix Flash
Tucson Thu E, Race 04 #5: Bc Cash Prefered
Tucson Thu E, Race 05 #1: Out D Box

TIPS for May 11

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Birmingham Fri E, Race 02 #5: PTL SLY
Birmingham Fri E, Race 12 #8: ANOTHERFINEMESS
Birmingham Fri E, Race 13 #4: KIOWA KJ DEAN
Birmingham Fri E, Race 14 #7: B'S DONNIEOSMOND
Birmingham Fri E, Race 15 #7: COACH UMPIRE

Dubuque Fri E, Race 04 #5: Earls Equinox
Dubuque Fri E, Race 10 #4: Boc's Sweeney
Dubuque Fri E, Race 12 #1: Pat C Abash

Palm Beach Fri A, Race 02 #6: Barts Over Jacks
Palm Beach Fri A, Race 07 #2: Ptl Tracker

Southland Fri E, Race 04 #7: Vj Rosebud
Sanford Orlando Fri E, Race 11 #3: Kb's Haisler
Sanford Orlando Fri E, Race 14 #6: T's Red Onion

Derby Lane Fri E, Race 02 #5: Bosco Bear Bones
Derby Lane Fri E, Race 03 #1: Kiowa Lazy Larry
Derby Lane Fri E, Race 05 #5: Hag Belle Starr
Derby Lane Fri E, Race 12 #7: Royal Drover
Derby Lane Fri E, Race 13 #3: Hallo Chief Joy

TriState Fri E, Race 06 #5: Go On Corbett

Wheeling Fri A, Race 10 #8: Odd Ric
Wheeling Fri E, Race 04 #4: Chase The Storm
Wheeling Fri E, Race 05 #7: Super C Nismo

Dogs to Watch for May 11

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COACH PRINCESS, Birmingham, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 9, post #4.
LAVA MATSUI, Birmingham, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 9, post #5.

TWISTING TWISTER, Bluffs Run, 05/11/2012, Afternoon, race 7, post #8.

DLT EXTRACTOR, Gulf Greyhound, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 2, post #8.
DOUG'S FREIDA, Gulf Greyhound, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 11, post #6.

MAGIC TEMPURA, Orange Park, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 2, post #3.

CRS SPIDER WEB, Palm Beach, 05/11/2012, Afternoon, race 11, post #5.
KB'S HASLET, Palm Beach, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 13, post #6.

TROUGELZ, Southland, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 7, post #8.

BORN FREE, Sanford Orlando, 05/11/2012, Afternoon, race 8, post #8.

JW TITLEIST, Derby Lane, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 10, post #6.

MAGIC TORPEDO, Tri-State, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 7, post #4.
MANI STRONG, Tri-State, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 12, post #7.

RAMS KIZZY KATE, Tucson, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 5, post #5.
RED PERSISTENCE, Tucson, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 12, post #1.

FLYING HABANERO, Wheeling, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 3, post #2.
FLYING LAHINCH, Wheeling, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 7, post #6.
BLACKJACK BEAVER, Wheeling, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 12, post #8.
KB'S RUCKUS, Wheeling, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 14, post #5.

Visit trackinfo.com for complete entries and program pages.

Dogs to Watch for May 12

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CTW CHICK MAGNET, Birmingham, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 7, post #6.
FM SAPPHIRE, Birmingham, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 7, post #7.

BOC'S DOUBLEDOSE, Dubuque, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 14, post #3.

KIOWA VANESSA, Orange Park, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 4, post #7.
WW'S GUCCI, Orange Park, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 5, post #8.

BACS XTREME, Palm Beach, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 11, post #2.
JUST TERRIFIC, Palm Beach, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 12, post #7.

AMF SULTANA, Palm Beach, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 15, post #4.
UHAUL MUFFIN, Palm Beach, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 10, post #3.

BELLA DA BULL, Southland, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 11, post #7.
AMF EX PRESIDENT, Southland, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 11, post #8.
BELLA INFRARED, Southland, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 18, post #5.

GABLE EDDIE, Derby Lane, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 6, post #1.
SAND CLOUD, Derby Lane, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 12, post #8.
BACKWOOD CODY, Derby Lane, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 14, post #7.
VENUS ESPINOSA, Derby Lane, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 12, post #2.

UMR HYDRO, Tri-State, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 11, post #8.

GAME PLANE, Tucson, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 14, post #1.

FLYING KILLERBEE, Wheeling, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 14, post #3.
WW GALE THIRTY, Wheeling, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 15, post #5.
Visit trackinfo.com for complete entries and program pages.

Results: Dogs to Watch for May 11

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COACH PRINCESS, Birmingham, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 9 post #4. Result: 5-4-2- .
LAVA MATSUI, Birmingham, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 9 post #5. Result: 5-4-2- .

TWISTING TWISTER, Bluffs Run, 05/11/2012, Afternoon, race 7 post #8. Result: 2-5-3- .

DLT EXTRACTOR, Gulf Greyhound, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 2 post #8. Result: 1-7-8- .
DOUG'S FREIDA, Gulf Greyhound, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 11 post #6. Result: 7-2-1- .

MAGIC TEMPURA, Orange Park, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 2 post #3. Result: 2-4-8- .

CRS SPIDER WEB, Palm Beach, 05/11/2012, Afternoon, race 11 post #5. Result: 3-4-6- .
KB'S HASLET, Palm Beach, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 13 post #6. Result: 6-7-5- .

TROUGELZ, Southland, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 7 post #8. Result: 3-8-2- .

BORN FREE, Sanford Orlando, 05/11/2012, Afternoon, race 8 post #8. Result: 6-1-2- .

JW TITLEIST, Derby Lane, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 10 post #6. Result: 6-4-7- .

MAGIC TORPEDO, Tri-State, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 7 post #4. Result: 4-7-8- .
MANI STRONG, Tri-State, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 12 post #7. Result: 5-7-1- .

RAMS KIZZY KATE, Tucson, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 5 post #5. Result: 2-5-6- .
RED PERSISTENCE, Tucson, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 12 post #1. Result: 7-1-4- .

FLYING HABANERO, Wheeling, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 3 post #2. Result: 7-6-2- .
FLYING LAHINCH, Wheeling, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 7 post #6. Result: 3-2-5- .
BLACKJACK BEAVER, Wheeling, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 12 post #8. Result: 3-8-5- .
KB'S RUCKUS, Wheeling, 05/11/2012, Evening, race 14 post #5. Result: 8-7-3- .
Visit trackinfo.com for complete entries and program pages.

Results: Dogs to Watch for May 12

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CTW CHICK MAGNET, Birmingham, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 7 post #6. Result: 7-1-5- .
FM SAPPHIRE, Birmingham, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 7 post #7. Result: 2-3-5- .

BOC'S DOUBLEDOSE, Dubuque, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 14 post #3. Result: 4-3-5- .

KIOWA VANESSA, Orange Park, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 4 post #7. Result: 7-4-5- .
WW'S GUCCI, Orange Park, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 5 post #8. Result: 8-1-6- .

BACS XTREME, Palm Beach, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 11 post #2. Result: 3-7-2- .
JUST TERRIFIC, Palm Beach, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 12 post #7. Result: 4-5-6- .

AMF SULTANA, Palm Beach, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 15 post #4. Result: 3-1-8- .
UHAUL MUFFIN, Palm Beach, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 10 post #3. Result: 2-1-8- .

BELLA DA BULL, Southland, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 11 post #7. Result: 2-7-8- .
AMF EX PRESIDENT, Southland, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 11 post #8. Result: 8-6-7- .
BELLA INFRARED, Southland, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 18 post #5. Result: 5-6-3- .

GABLE EDDIE, Derby Lane, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 6 post #1. Result: 2-1-3- .
SAND CLOUD, Derby Lane, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 12 post #8. Result: 8-7-5- .
BACKWOOD CODY, Derby Lane, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 14 post #7. Result: 7-2-5- .
VENUS ESPINOSA, Derby Lane, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 12 post #2. Result: 6-4-7- .

UMR HYDRO, Tri-State, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 11 post #8. Result: 2-5-4- .

GAME PLANE, Tucson, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 14 post #1. Result: 2-1-3- .

FLYING KILLERBEE, Wheeling, 05/12/2012, Afternoon, race 14 post #3. Result: 2-6-1- .
WW GALE THIRTY, Wheeling, 05/12/2012, Evening, race 15 post #5. Result: 1-3-7- .
Visit trackinfo.com for complete entries and program pages.

TIPS for May 14

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Birmingham Mon A, Race 03 #8: RHODY VERN
Birmingham Mon A, Race 04 #4: CTW WORK ETHIC
Birmingham Mon A, Race 09 #3: ANOTHERFINEMESS
Birmingham Mon A, Race 10 #4: CTW BUREAUCRAT

Daytona Beach Mon A, Race 08 #1: Itsa Laugh

Palm Beach Mon A, Race 14 #3: Atascocita Gilma

Southland Mon T, Race 17 #4: Git N Pretty

Sanford Orlando Mon A, Race 02 #5: Country Cookin
Sanford Orlando Mon A, Race 08 #2: Run Love
Sanford Orlando Mon A, Race 09 #7: Barts Junebug
Sanford Orlando Mon A, Race 13 #2: Thunderingbarney

Derby Lane Mon E, Race 07 #5: Hel's Chance
Derby Lane Mon E, Race 09 #7: Kb's Kazoo
Derby Lane Mon E, Race 14 #6: Hallo Shes Magic